Saturday, September 24, 2005


Very warm Congratulations to two members of my "family", Jed and Himi, on being first time parents to twins, Jamie and Sophia Wood. It's great to be able to welcome two new lives into our world of fun, laughter, love and kinship. I have no doubt that both of you will be wonderful parents and am most confident that they will be blessed with wisdom and all the beautiful attributes both of you possess.

We look forward to sharing them in our lives and Thank you for allowing us this opportunity to have another avenue for giving and sharing our love. I look back on the times I had a chance to play parent and it is a most gorgeous moment of self sacrifice and unconditional love, where we are not often given the opportunity to play in life. Even though there are demanding times, love will override all hardship, just like the relationships we try to build within our lives, which makes us better human beings. Enjoy the ride ...

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