Monday, March 28, 2005

My Best Thanks

This has been my most fruitful trip in Singapore ever, because so many things have happened. Not only have I experienced plenty of love, laughs and happiness on the home front, but also a totally exhilarating experience of catching up with old friends and meeting new people along the way.
I was most delighted to catch up with Leslie Kee, one of my oldest and best friends, once again this year. We seem to have the best timing because he is a professional photographer, who currently resides in New York and flies all around the world, photographing the most beautiful men and women, and celebrities as well, and we always seem to meet up in Singapore whenever I come back for a holiday. His current issue of his self published magazine SuperMag features Tom Cruise and Beyonce on a double cover.
As part of this festival, Leslie was also sponsored to exhibit his works at Wisma Atria, a local shopping mall, and he selected the collages which are presented here. You might be able to recognize some of the celebrities, like Quentin Taratino (which he had only 10 minutes to photograph), Maggie Cheung and other HK Celebrities, Miho Nakayama, Ayumi Hamasaki (who Leslie photographs most of her single and album covers for the past 2 years), etc. We attended the opening of his exhibition and were greeted by more celebrities, including singers Andy Hui and William Soo, who personally attended and congratulated Leslie. Not only was I able to be introduced to them, but I was also considered a VIP since it was an invite only event. The other highlight was catching up with his Mom and pregnant sister, and we were able to catch up on our new happenings.
Leslie is not only a great photographer but also a great friend. I am lucky to have been one of his experimental models and I can only wish him more success, which I know he will have, regardless of my well wishes, because of the hard work he puts in. He is also an inspiration, not only to me, but also many people out there, to never stop trying. My best Thanks to a great friend who always makes our friendship so special and also quoting both John and myself under "Spiritual Support" in his acknowledgements page of his magazine. Thank you for remembering us. Love to you!!

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