Sunday, August 07, 2005

Loves Of My Life

Just jumping the gun a little here to share a photo showing my spoils from Tokyo. As I mentioned, I went out with a mission in mind - to get CDs and DVDs of my favourite female 80s pop artistes in Japan and came back with a harvest. Tien and Eugin very kindly copied some CDs for me, allowing me to complete most of my wish list, and when I showed them to my Japanese friends here in Sydney, there was a mixture of exhilaration and disbelief. I wanted to share this photo to see if some of you interested souls can spot the long forgotten oldies but goodies of the 80s.

The best part of it was observing the joy Felix had and I was really happy that I could "let go" of all these "prized" possessions and lend them to him, many of which I hadn't even had a chance to listen to. In the past, I would have felt very possessive and selfish but as I grow older, I start realising that life is temporal and too short not to share the joys of your lives. If I kept them all to myself, I would not be able to discuss them further with anyone which would shorten, instead of extending the pleasure. Somehow, life has a way of returning the good that we give as well. All in the joys of giving itself.

I have also learnt plenty from the younger Eugin , who is always so generous with all his possessions, and allowing me to relive many memories and dreams. I am most happy that I am able to do that and a friend remarked today that I am slowly becoming a Buddhist, with the Zen like qualities or being able to let go ...

Lastly, I wanted to share another special photo, which I took with one hand holding the camera, a trick taught by Leslie himself, and it was unexpectedly beautiful because the subject is one of the major loves of my life ...


JameZ said...

Hi Ranbi,

I love 高田みづえ. Thank you for giving that to me. It's such a great gift. My favourite 5 songs in order are:

(1) 私はピアノ
(2) そんなヒロシに騙されて
(3) 秋冬
(4) 硝子坂
(5) 潮騒のメロディー

What about you? Did you enjoy the 堀ちえみ Best? I have her Singles II, which is all her A-B sides, and honestly, her B-side songs are terrible. No wonder, the singles didn't sell too well.

I also loved the 河合奈保子 Jewel Box. Jack (Blog: My songs for you) uploaded an Akina video of her singing "Smile for me" Totemo Kawai ne!! Have you seen it? Anyway, I think Naoko has quite good B-side songs, though pales in comparison to Akina and Seiko, who has both good A and B side songs. My favourite is Disc 3. I have this sudden inspiration to do a Top 5 songs for all the CDs I bought (except Akina - I can't do that ... too many!!) Ha! Ha!

What do you think?

JameZ said...

Wow! Thanks for the compliments, especially when I have never been seen as cool in my life.

This is great encouragement and an inspiration to keep up, even when I am feeling a little low on resources. Thank you.

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