Sunday, December 31, 2006

Au Revoir 2006

Six more hours till the last second of 2006 strikes, I reflect on the year that has been. I started the year out easy, spending my semi-idllyic days welcoming my eighth year in Australia and cruising through my job in my sixth year. Enjoying the extraordinarily high calibre of Oscar nominated movies, like "Brokeback Mountain", "Walk The Line", "Goodnight and Goodluck", "Transamerica", "Capote", "Crash", "Munich" etc, life was fun and easy.

Making the decision to give up joining my friends again this year in Japan to watch Akina in April after enjoying wonderful concerts from K.D. Lang and Bette Midler, we decided to spend more time in theatres. Thankfully, tt was a wonderful year of theatrical drama, the main highlights being "The History Boys", "I Am My Own Wife" and "Holding The Man".

In June, we embarked on a seemingly never ending journey in looking for our "perfect" new apartment to call our true home, and our weekends were starting to laden with more stress and strain. It was not a totally unenjoyable journey though one can get a little dis-spirited after many fruitless searches. The good thing is actually knowing and recognising immediately what we don't want, and tearing those bits apart. I guess it's all part of staying sane in this mad world, and thankfully, we have the encouragement and advise of our wiser friends, who have been down this same journey, hence reminding us of our humanity.

The rest of the year looked to span out similarly until a fundamental change in me made me realise that I had to move on in life, which sparked on a spirited charge. Oh, how I hate interviews and still do. I count them as just as bad if not worst than public speaking, because at least I can control public speaking to some extent. Anyway, I was happy to get that over and done with. Though I wasn't entirely certain that it was the right move at that time, future visits to my old job gave me the affirmation I needed.

Not long after this came another obstacle where we were told to move out of the apartment that we called home for 18 months. It can be stressful because it can bring up abandonment issues, but I focused on one issue at a time, with the knowledge that if things came down to the worst, we still had generous friends whom we could rely on. Thankfully, the move was very successful and we are happy in our new abode though it has confirmed that we will not be looking for a one bedroom apartment when we purchase. Ha! Ha!

Friends ... how can we do without them. 2006 marked my 35th year and I am so lucky to still have so many generous and loving people around me in Australia that I see as part of my family. My darling John arranged for an appreciation party and I got the best presents from everyone - their kind love and heartful words which will always grace my life for as long as I live. As for my dear friend, Jack, whom I lost this month, I didn't think I would miss you as much as I did, but I do. My dearest friend, Leslie and Ryan, who are in Japan and their lovely gift - Leslie's new book SuperStars (a few photos attached) in time for my birthday. My friends in Singapore (especially my fellow VAMPires) and around the world whom I only have mostly email contact with, thank you for all your emails and love. So, to all my dearest friends, no matter where you are, Thank you for everything ...

Two of my favourites from the book: Ultra sexy Japanese ex-soccer star Hidetoshi Nakata and Wada Akiko in a pose you will never have seen her in. Ingenious! (You can also buy this beautiful book here)

And now onto my family, John and his family. I spent a most wonderful Christmas and this year in particular, it was an exceptional season and I feel that I have truly arrived and participated as part of the Jones' family. John, whom I will be celebrating our 5th anniversary, everyday is a fruitful journey of love. Thank you for this wonderous joy! For my own family, whom I only get to see once or twice (for the past two years though the second trip is always impromptu and very short), I thank you for your love and grace ... allowing me to live my dream in Australia, it is the greatest gift anyone can give me. I sincerely hope that I will get more opportunities to spend more time in future with all of you and you must all know that I will always love you, no matter where I am.

To end, I would like to share some photos (which I haven't done much of in the last few months of the year). As you can see, I am in love with babies and hopefully some day, I will have one of my own, but if not, I will always have these babies I consider children of mine. People should always be loved, so take my advice: give give give!!

Firstly, my two darlings - Joshua and Joy who teach me how to love more everday. I love them so much and they bring me so much joy just knowing that they miss having me around to play with.

Her first pony riding experience!!

I love this photo because Joy is growing up so quickly and is a master poser when it comes to photoshoots and Joshua is just so playful. Here he is striking a "what he believes to be a similar" pose to his sister.

My other bundles of joy in Sydney - the beautiful Jamie and Sophia!!

John and I with wonderous and ever happy Marley separately.

Finally, Here's wishing everyone a loving and wonderful 2007 filled with exhilarating surprises sparkling all along the way!!! Take care, stay healthy and in love ...


Jack said...

First! haha...
Happy New Year

JameZ said...

Truly! Happy New Year too!

Anonymous said...

Marley is so adorable... Happy New Year James. May your 2007 be wonderful, filled with joy and love.