We just received notice from our real estate agent that the owner of our apartment is getting married and wants to move into the apartment, so we have 65 days (effective last day: 6th January 2007) to move out.
We have been expecting this since his last visit but it is nonetheless, still a dampener since we have not found a place that we are ready to buy. We don't particularly want to rent again because that would bind us for another 6 months, so it might turn out to be a rather "moving" Christmas and New Year for us.
One thing that we are probably happy about is not having to experience another Indian Summer in our bedroom because it gets the afternoon sun and there are no windows to let the air through during the night.
We are thankful to the few friends who have offered us a place to reside in the meantime if we need to, but we don't want to exploit the friendship and will only do if we do need to. So, I guess we will need to support each other more during these trying times and believe that some good will come out of all this. Even if it is just knowing that all the efforts that we have put into loving and supporting our friends has not gone to the waste basket, that would have been a good thing ...
buying is definitely better than renting... good luck to your house/apartment search..
Thanks! We also understand that buying is better but we don't want to rush into any decisions, so we might rent for the first 6 months (minimum contract) and then break it if we have to.
Thanks Ryan! 頑張ります!
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