Sunday, April 23, 2006

Happy 4th Anniversary

Thursday marked the 4th Anniversary of our love. It was really difficult to believe that 4 years had flown by because many a times, the love still feels so fresh. I am a firm believer of "make believe it's your first time", so that there is no such social term as "the honeymoon period" is over, and it works with us.

I think we are very lucky to have each other and are able to feel this way because I know that there have been times in past relationships when the "honeymoon" was over, but we are able to sustain it this time. We are officially celebrating it in two weeks when we fly to Melbourne for a three day holiday and I am looking forward to it. Melbourne is a city that I fall in love over and over again whenever I am there. Maybe it's the Victorian structure of the city and even though it's about an hour and a half flight away, it has the feel of London/Europe (though I have not been there but have seen lots of pictures on it) and I always sink into the holiday mood immediately.

I love the sidewalk cafes and the feel of being a "tourist", the eyes that sees and appreciates things that citizens have taken for granted, and even if I had been to the same place before, it sends an air of nostaglia that brings forth the emotions of a first time ... I know I will fall in love all over again, with the place and the person I have been with for the past 4 years.

It is easy to take for granted, what we have in life because it is there, but we have been very lucky to indulge in positive appraisals of each other, so that the other is never left feeling unappreciated. I think this is an important ingredient to any relationship success and it applies to friendship as well. We have been honest and kind, and I have learnt so much, not only about relationships, but about life itself, and how much love we have within ourselves.

A person can inspire us to give more than they think they can. It's the mind that stops us with the "social norms" that there is a limit or we will get hurt, but the standard prevents us from moving ahead, from exploring the impossible and from ultimately achieving beyond. John is one such person to me, and I just wanted to say "Thank you once again for all the lovely times and the hard ones. I look forward to the next phase of our life and I love you dearly"!

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