Saturday, January 28, 2006

Brokeback Mountain

There is always going to be a problem of impossibly high expectations when we go and watch a movie that has been lauded as possibly one of the best movies ever made and is everywhere we see/hear. We don't want to be left out because all our friends will be talking about it, but then there will always be one of two skeptical ones, ready to isolate themselves in order to look nonchalant and cool, because they are one of those who have chosen not to join the "urban crowd".

So, the first thing I told John before we stepped into the non-official premiere of "Brokeback Mountain" in Sydney, is to discard all expectations and just enjoy the film. "Don't analyse it, just watch it", I said, and we did.

It was the 16th January and it was crowded. Expectedly, it was 95% men, all gay presumably, and a handle of women, including a very dear friend, Anne. I had read the book before and in parts, I was happy that I did because though Heath Ledger encapsulated the role of the cowboy reluctant to be honest about his love, he mumbled through most of his lines. He said that since it was difficult for the character to express his love for Jack (played by Jake Gyllenhaal), he wanted the words to be "forced out" from his mouth, and thus the mumbling. It helped define his character, but made understanding him rather difficult. On the other hand, I wanted to be surprised with the outcome and since I had read the book recently, I knew what was going to come next. What has to be commended though is that the screenplay has been slightly amended by adding extra elements that enhanced the story, but not distract from the main theme.

Brokeback Mountain” a simple story of two people who fell in love. They did not identify themselves as homosexuals at the beginning but somehow, the forces of nature took over, and they found a connection with each other. Their love is not tender but strong and masculine, almost brutal in parts, but that is the mystery of love. We can never explain why we fall in love.

It has been viewed by most people as potentially groundbreaking, not because of the awards it has been winning, but more importantly so that it helps people to understand love between men. Sometimes, you just don't plan these things, and they happen.

I believe this movie will strike a chord not only with closeted men but anyone who has been unable to express their love for someone, be it of the same or opposite sex. I identified with this movie because I have been caught in these situations many times in my early 20s, when I struggling to find myself. I knew I was attracted to men, but my values stopped me from expressing myself. I created fantasises of us being together, making out scenes of what it would be like, which could explain why I love writing so much.

The two and a half year stint at the army offered me a glimpse of Brokeback Mountain. In an isolated world where only men existed, we found love and affection. Though we will not be kissing or having sex (at least I wasn't), there was a sense of freedom there that is not present in the real world. Somehow, their minds were set free, and at times, the animalistic nature of men took over. They showed affection that they probably would never show to another man outside the compounds and there was definitely unspoken love and probably desire, which would be enhanced under the influence of alcohol. There was an unspeakable bond there that would have been mistaken for love in the real world.

It takes a lot of courage to be ourselves. I am thankful that I can express my love freely to my loved ones, but I understand that not everyone can, or wants to. Some might see it as condescending to say "I love you" all the time, because then it loses it value, but some might want to, but find it difficult to expel it from their mouths. I know of many stories of "What could have been" and I am certain they will find something in this movie that they will identify with.

Ang Lee, one of my favourite directors since "The Wedding Banquet" has made this beautiful film, set in some of the most luscious backdrops, and offered us a simple, heartbreaking story of love between two cowboys. It could happen to anyone and I believe that at some point in our lives, for those who identify themselves as heterosexuals, could find an attraction towards the same sex that they just can't explain, and it doesn't have to be sexual. It's the connection between two people and the acknowledgment of love.

Watch this movie not for the hype that it has generated but for the beautiful story, wonderful acting, and the possibility to accept love just for what it is ...

Rating: 9.5/10
Other Reviews: Rotten Tomatoes


Anonymous said...

how was it?

JameZ said...

You mean the movie? I loved it. Beautiful and sad ...

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that you love this film. I also read the book before seeing the movie and thought that the movie did a extremely fine job. I was not disappointed at all though I went in with high expecation.

Ang Lee is also one of my favorite director since Pushing Hand. There was a joke that Mr.Bush(I cannot call him president) also love Ang Lee because one of his favorite movie of all time is The Hulk.

I agreed with you that some people will be disappointed by the movie. It's either walk in with too high expection to top or analysing it too much and did not let the movie lead emotion though it.

I'm glad that you love it.