Thursday, December 01, 2005

第56回 NHK紅白歌合戦」の出場歌手 (Updated)

残念です. (Disappointing).

After all the huppla, Akina has once again not been invited this year. Although I held some hope that she might be fortunate enough, there was always the incidents at the 2002 白 that left an impression that she will not be invited ... maybe ever again. It was also speculated that it was because she does not officially belong to any record company and record companies usually get to select who they want to send up to 白.

This is the list as follows:


A I (初)
aiko (4)
石 川 さ ゆ り (28)
伊 藤 由 奈 (初)
大 塚  愛 (2)
川 中 美 幸 (18)
倉 木 麻 衣 (3)
香 西 か お り (13)
倖 田 來 未 (初)
小 林 幸 子 (27)
ゴ リ エ (初)
坂 本 冬 美 (17)
島 谷 ひ と み (4)
鈴 木 亜 美 (3)
天 童 よ し み (10)
中 島 美 嘉 (4)
長 山 洋 子 (12)
夏 川 り み (4)
浜 崎 あ ゆ み (7)
一 青  窈 (3)
平 原 綾 香 (2)
藤  あ や 子 (14)
B o A (4)
松 浦 亜 弥 & DEF.DIVA (5)(初)
松任谷由実with Friends Of Love The Earth (初)
水 森 か お り  (3)
モ ー ニ ン グ 娘 。 (8)
森 山 良 子 (10)
渡 辺 美 里 (初)


ア リ ス (2)
五 木 ひ ろ し (35)
w-inds. (4)
m-flo Akiko Wada (初)(29)
氣 志 團 (2)
北 島 三 郎 (42)
北 山 た け し (初)
グ ル ー プ 魂 (初)
C H E M I S T R Y (5)
ゴ ス ペ ラ ー ズ (5)
コ ブ ク ロ (初)
さ だ ま さ し (17)
ス キ マ ス イ ッ チ (初)
S M A P (13)
T.M. Revolution (3)
D - 5 1 (初)
Def Tech (初)
T O K I O (12)
鳥 羽 一 郎 (18)
氷 川 き よ し (6)
布 施  明 (21)
細 川 た か し (31)
ポルノグラフィティ (4)
前 川  清 (15)
美 川 憲 一 (22)
森  進 一 (38)
森 山 直 太 朗 (2)
山 川  豊 (11)
山 崎 ま さ よ し (初)
W a T (初)

There are a few surprises on the list. Other than Wada Akiko (和田アキ子) performing for the White Team this year, there are surprisingly lesser 歌謡曲&演歌. A few other singers that surprised everyone by not appearing on the list are: ORANGE RANGE、平井堅、Gackt、EXILE, especially 平井堅 who is so popular currently. The other surpise is that 松任谷由実 has finally decided to make an appearance but it will be via satellite with her friends, including Dick Lee, making him the first Singaporean to appear in the program. The other singer that I look forward to seeing is 渡 辺 美 里, who was selected because she was rather active this year.


This was the selection criteria for this year's selection.


Looking from the list, the main criteria is still the hits of this year and if the singer they selected did not have a hit this year, then it would be a singer they view with pride. As Terence and many others pointed out, the poll results does not have any effect on them because there is no significant female (or even male) representative from the 70s and 80s.

Even though Misato (渡 辺 美 里) is from the 80s, she was mainly selected because she was active this year and did achieve quite good charting and sales results. If NHK really wanted to listen to the fans, then they would have invited more singers from the Top 100 list. If they believe that it is the young audience they are attracting to watch because they have included so many younger singers, they will be proven wrong, because it is the older audience (30-50 years old) that still remember 白 fondly and want to see singers that we are familiar with. The newer singers can be seen on any new music program and it doesn't make it essential viewing. Now that they have lost us and the younger audience probably want to go out partying than watching 白 (which is the old tradition), I will not be surprised if the viewership falls again this year.

I wonder how this will have an impact because I am sure many fans will protest that all the voting was for nothing. Even if they do have the poll again next year, I doubt I will be as interested.

So, the suspense is over and I am relieved, regardless of the results. I guess Akina will have to work harder next year and she should hold a Countdown concert like Seiko does at the end of the year, and decline to ever appear on 白 again.


Anonymous said...'s this list ties with the voting song list? Its probably all a publicity hoax!........


JameZ said...

Yes. That's what most comments on various Kohaku sites are about. There was someone who did a statistic check on singers who scored more than 2 songs on the Top 100, and only 5 out of 20 of them were selected.

Many Akina fans are very angry with NHK because of all the hype leading to nothing. I think it is a bad move by NHK. Even if they get the other singers to perform the songs, it's not the same!!! It's just like any other year ... why bother having the polls!

Jack said...

my comment posted earlier was directed to NHK, not your blog, when I said it was a waste of was my frustration towards NHK.. I hope it was not misunderstood :-(

JameZ said...

Hi Jack,

I totally understand. I didn't even realise that it could be interpreted that way. We are all angry with NHK don't you worry!
