Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Never Too Late

I was too young for the historic JFK's "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country", or Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech, but I was there for possibly one of Australia's most significant events this morning.

Delivered with eloquence, empathy and hope for the Aborigines Stolen Generation, Australia's Prime Minister Mr Kevin Rudd's "Sorry" speech was a moving experience for me. We were allowed to take time off work to gather at an auditorium for this historic moment and it was absolutely magical. Non-indigenous Australians - Caucasians, Asians, Middle Eastern people all gathering and sharing this moving apology and uniting as one Australian.

Today is a proud day for all Australians because we have moved forward. Moved past pride, and immaturity usually characterised by both sides of the governments, and working together as one. In a world where we are increasingly taught to divide, claim and think only of ourselves as individuals, this is an important lesson.

Even though there is still much to be accomplished, it is still a significant step towards a better, more loving and accepting world. A seed has been planted ...

For more information and full speech, please click link.

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