Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A Special Celebration of Love and Commitment

It is such a luxury to feel healthy again. After almost two weeks of recovering from the dreadful flu, it is so nice not to feel fatigued all the time.

Over the past weekend, John and I attended the 40th birthday celebration of my ex-flatmate and close friend, Leonard. Even though we don't catch up as often as we do, there is no love lost between us. We just lead rather different lives and revolve in different circles of friends, so unfortunately, our gatherings have been few and rather sporadic. Still, we have a special brotherly connection, established during the first days of my independence (after moving out from my aunt's home after one and a half year's of living with her and her family since arriving in Australia) and Leonard's first days in Sydney.

Since he is four years older than me, we had often talked about the day that he turns 35 and then the dreaded 4-0. Well, the day had finally arrived, and thankfully, as we had prayed hard and predicted, he still looks as gorgeous, if not more so today than I can ever recall at any other time.

I remember the last time we met before the party on Saturday. It was two weeks before we moved to our new home and Leonard was giving me his shoulder to "cry" on, reassuring me that everything will be fine and all tension between us will give way because of the love we have for each other. At the end, we scouted around a Singaporean restaurant as a possible location for his party.

About a month later, the invitation arrived for his big bash to be held at that location.We arrived about half an hour after the announced time on the invite, fashionably late but not detestably so. John and I had decided to dress up for the function, and as we bumped into two friends outside the restaurant dressed in tracksuit jumpers, I was starting to dread that we might have arrived a tad too overdressed. My fears were quickly put to rest when we arrived upstairs towards a private area where I noticed that most people had also taken the extra effort to look good.

Since gorgeous Leonard and his beautiful partner Bruce are fond members of partying, walking into the function was like as a friend described, being with "the entire crowd at Midnight Shift", a popular pub on Oxford Street. It was absolutely lovely to catch up with so many "long-lost" friends and acquaintances, and indulge in each other's current beings. One of the perks of being in a relationship is the love, intimacy and company we gain. The "downside" to it is being "shut out" of activities seemingly targeted towards singles. I honestly don't miss that, but it is common that we lose many friends once we couple, because a fair amount of time is dedicated towards setting the foundation in the early days, and only the truest friends stay.

We were treated to a buffet of lovely finger food and even though I am never a fan of the "commercial" spring rolls, I found them rather appetizing that night. After a quick meal, we were ushered to the stage near the front of the stairs, and were treated to a few speeches from Bruce and a performance from a drag queen, to add some fun and glitter. This was followed by Bruce's birthday and Thank you speech to Leonard and after he blew the candles and we sang the birthday song (in that order), which was an interesting switch, Bruce stepped onto the stage again, and said something like "All of you were certain that you were here for Leonard's 40th, but you are wrong." He proceeded to explain how Leonard and him decided that morning to go to the City Council and had their relationship confirmed that morning, as he fished out the newly framed certificate of commitment that they received.

This was turning out to be their commitment ceremony and it was such a pleasant surprise. Bruce proceeded to mention that they wanted to share this special day with everyone, and one thing that they both unanimously decided on was to have two best men and two bridesmaids. The two bridesmaid turned out to their both their beautiful sisters which was revealed after the Best men was announced. Bruce's choice was an old girl friend who he befriended since he was seven, and who promised each other that they would be each other's best man at their separate weddings.

When Leonard announced his choice which turned out to be me, it was a moment that I can only liken to what Oscar winners say they feel when their names are announced. It was all a blur. Was that really me? Did I hear it correctly? Until I felt Barry's hand poking and pushing me forward, it all seemed like a dream. In many ways, it was highly unbelievable because we don't catch up as often as Leonard does with some of his other mates, and it is such an honour, to be selected as someone's best man, let alone over so many other possible candidates.

After the initial congratulatory hugs and kisses, we were treated to a most intimate and loving exchange of vows, which was both touching and hilarious at times. Bruce had to stop to wipe his tears as he spoke lovingly of Leonard and Leonard declared his love openly for Bruce even though he still can't understand how animals can talk to humans.

It certainly provided plenty of food for thought for many couples like us, who had no idea that such a commitment was possible in Sydney (Thanks to our Mayor Clover Moore), and also much friendly "warnings" from some friends who ushered me not to forget them when I am selecting my Best man at John and my ceremony, if and when we decide to have one.

It took one day for the honour of Best man to finally sink in, and as I replayed the scene in my head, I am moved to tears especially since I constantly have doubts about my friendly achievements since I arrived in Sydney. Since I treasure relationships in life over most other things, I had often pondered if I had deeper friendships and relationships in Singapore or in Australia. If I compared the number of friends I had, Singapore would win the battle, but that was also because I had been there longer and I was single. If I compared the depth of relationships, then I realise that there is no other place than Sydney.

This past event made me realise that the efforts I have dedicated towards building true friendships and relationships with my friends and people who I care deeply for, has not been wasted, and this is my life journey that I should dedicate more of my life towards, because I know that I have not been as "diligent" in the past few years. I have one of the best examples in John who is such a special person and who inspires me to remember everyone's birthday and make them feel special.

Leonard truly made me feel very special, not only by him and Bruce sharing such a special occasion with us, but also by proving that one does not have to constantly keep in contact for the love to be present. Like he said, we have been through each other's highs and lows, and have supported each other through some of the most painful times of our lives. We are both happy now and I can't be happier when I see the amount of love Bruce and Leonard have for each other.

I want to thank Leonard and Bruce for making their special night, such a wonderful memory for me. I wish the both of you plenty of love and happiness, and I am absolutely certain that your love will stand the test of time, and so will our love for you both. Congratulations.

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